Exchanges and Returns

Are you not satisfied with your order? We are very sorry about that and would love to hear what we can do to make you happy.

You can return your order up to 14 days and we will make sure that the purchase amount will be transferred to your account within 5 working days after receipt of the return.

Easy returns in 3 simple steps
Step 1: Fill in the return form
Download the return form here and fill it out completely.

Step 2: Send your order
When you want to return an item to Zennyos the shipping costs will be for the buyer. Send the items together with the completed return form to the address on the return form. Make sure you provide the package with a Track & Trace code.

Step 3: Receive the purchase amount on your bank account
Only returns with Track & Trace will be accepted. This is important so that we can follow your shipment digitally. When we have received and processed your return shipment, the purchase amount will be refunded into your bank account.